Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Intermission :)

Hey Everyone ,

Time for my Intermission post! :) So were do I start ? So much has been going on but I'm grateful. La Mode got it's first official intern woo woo! She will be starting Jan 21st for the spring semester , I hope she will be able to learn about small businesses firsthand from this experience. I also received another applicant this evening so , so far so good. Yesterday I had the opportunity to work the first White House Black Market fashion which was very interesting. I learned quite a few things :) I will post pics in a separate post later . I have been working on my short and long term goals for La Mode and I am extremely excited of some events to come in the new year. I'm very passionate about cancer awareness and even more cancer in children , La Mode is going to be doing something special for the kids affected by this horrid battle. Although ( and thankfully) I have never lost anyone dear to me from Cancer , it breaks my heart.

My mom is coming from Nigeria for the Christmas holidays so that is very exciting!!! :) . I should be in MD for the Christmas holidays with my brothers , her and the rest of my family. We plan to take professional pictures of me , her & the twins so that will be fun.

I have been stumbling on some fabulous blogs that pertain to all sorts of areas. I especially love the wifey & mommy ones that I have read lately. It's amazing how this blogging world has changed my perception on certain things or made me realize people go thru the same exact triumphs and struggles as I do. On another note there are also some other fab fab fashion blogs that I love. I appreciate all my readers and new readers , I am so grateful that you take the time to stop by and see whats happening on my blog. I make sure I visit and comment on everyones blog that passes thru here on mines or is a reader :).

I can't believe 2009 is rolling to an end! It has been an amazing year and I thank God for EVERYTHING I feel soooo blessed , I am looking fwd to bigger n better things for husband, my twins , my loved ones , my fellow entrepreneurs and all of my readers! I am ready for 2010.

I will be having a Fabulous giveaway very soon , I am not sure if I want it towards the end of the year or the beginning of the new yr :) So stay tuned!!.

I took a pic with me and my girls today!

Please don't mind my appearance lol , we were playing around. So that's about all I have been up too.

So I have been compiling a list of 20 gifts under $100 fab fab stuff :) . To help you guys out with any last min shopping.


p.s I saw this link on CNN its pictures from the top 10 everything of 09! Amazing and touching. Click here or CNN



  1. I think you look great! Your girls are little dolls...

  2. I can't believe another year is almost over myself! It's scary, but I hope that 2010 is a successful year for both you and myself! Lovely pics of you and your girls BTW!

  3. Ok, the three of you are super adorable! I envy your girls their lovely eyebrows and dimples (or is it only your daughter on the right who has dimples?). I can't wait to see the professional pics if you end up getting them done when your mom arrives from Naija...will Onada do the honours?

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Niks, and wishing you health, happiness and much success in your business endeavours in 2010!

  4. Awwwwwwwww the wins look so gorgeous and alike in that picture...bless them!

    Glad you have a new intern, bet she you would brilliant and also glad you had a fun time at White House Black Market fashion show.

    Well done and keep at it!

  5. Adorable picture. I'm glad you'll get to be with your family for Christmas!:)

  6. There's an award for you over at my blog!

  7. You are doing great! So proud of you.

    Love the photo of the twins!

  8. awww thats a cute photo. i love pictures of other people's kids :) i look forward to hearing about the giveaway, the progress of la mode and your contribution to the fight against cancer

  9. awww I love their smile. They look so so adorable.


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