Hey Everyone,
FALL is definitely here and the boots are in and here to stay ankle or knee length ,flat or well heeled , war or fuzzy ,or just flat out chic n trendy this season its all about the boots. I picked up a couple of magazines from the store yesterday. The most dominant thing that I noticed is that boots are everywhere and on everyone. The over knee boots are looking really hot right now! I also noticed that the riding boots are also making waves this season. For me I am not a big fan on the riding boots because I feel I look funny in them lol. However , they look fabulous on other people :) . I think that with casual boots you can never go wrong . Feeling comfortable while staying chic at the same time is always a plus. Flats are always a good way to go because you can easily transition from day to night, however , nothing wrong with a heel ( a chunky hell as well) for a casual look to take you into the nighttime.
As for the over the knee boots I am loving them , I might actually attempt to try on a pair. I think they might look nice on me :) . You can't go wrong they are sexy yet spophistcated and very versatile . Sophisticated with a dress , especially a cute sheath dress or jeans ( tucked in or out) it provides that "it" factor to your outfit. You look chic and edgy at the same time , a wedge heel or platform is also in for the fall as opposed to the stiletto heel :) The do's and dont's of over the knee boots to follow :)
Here are a few pairs that I think are FAB!

In order starting from the top Over the Z boot , Jessica Simpson's Angie and Jonas respectively, Guisppe Zanzotti Flat boot , BCBG Flat boot , Rock n Republic "Kenna" and Roberto Cavalli .
( all pictures are taken from Zappos.com and Jessicasimsponcollection.com)
One last thing for the people on a budget you can look just as FABULOUS! :) Target offers some brands too that are cute and fashionable and have great reviews. Check www.target.com
Till next time,
p.s Happy Birthday to me :)
I don't usually like flat boots but I'm feeling the Giuseppe Zanotti flat boot. Now I just need to get some Giuseppe money!