Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trials & Thank You's

Hey Everyone!

I am veryyyy excited! Although La Mode decided to launch Makeup & Style by LaMode Jan 2011 we have already received 2 inquiries and had our first official trial yesterday and another on Saturday!!!. I thank God and feel incredibly blessed, we can't take the credit alone for this! I need to must thank 4 very important people.

Bisi Essien C.E.O & Head Makeup Artist of Crystal Eyez Makeup Artistry I think was the catalyst behind it. One great lesson turned into a hobby of fun and passion and later , Makeup & Style by LaMode was born :). Even though she is in the field she is extremely supportive and a wonderful teacher and for that I am so grateful.

My dear friend Ola Abiola, is next she really was the first person I expressed that I might decide to go into the makeup industry. Being that I had a few close friends that were already Artist's I felt that maybe I should'nt as not to step on their toes. Ola pushed me to believe in myself and trust that my friends would never feel that way. For someone to make me believe in myself when I really didn't think I could or even had a chance I am seriously blessed from above for her.

I'd like to thank Abby Ayodeji and Sade Akintade who both own and are head makeup artists of their respective companies for their support, tips and tricks. Without them not sure I would had achieved such a pace of progress with my work. They allowed/allow me to shadow them and really get that one on one experience with the client. After all experience is the best teacher.

I have a vision and goal for Makeup & Style by LaMode , I'm very very excited about the endless possibilities and opportunities that this subsidiary of my consulting business can go.

I will update on Monday pictures from the trials done from this week. I'll always continue to practice and learn about my craft because practice makes perfect.

till Monday :)

LINKS!!!! -Crystal Eyez Makeup Artistry ( located in Chicago, IL ) - My Juicy Look Makeup Artistry ( located in Newark, NJ)
HauteLooks Makeup & Style by Sade - Website is currently under construction. ( located in Lanham ,MD)

For more info on any of these skilled makeup artists please check out their websites or contact me at!



  1. It's always great to see our sisters (and brothers!) encouraging us to enter a field they are in, and giving us tips and pointers to be successful too! Sometimes among Nigerians there's a feeling of "I don't want to help A get where I am because then s/he will steal my clients/ideas" when in reality there are more than enough of both to go around and also every business has its own unique element (because the owners are unique) so someone who wants what La Mode has to offer will go to you over another company and vice versa!

    Rock on dear!

  2. Yes!!! You are sooo right! Thanks GNG :)

  3. Nikki Boo, thanks hon for the shout-out! I cant wait to see LaMode grow into the synergy empire that you envisioned. I am not surprised at how fast it's happening too, because the CEO in charge is full of innovative and refreshing ideas! This is only the beginning hon!


  4. My daughter and I ordered a dress from Doll House which was to be custom made. I placed the order on a Monday and was surprised to get a phone call the following Monday to say the dress had arrived it only took eight 8 days. I took the dress home and when I put the dress on my daughter, I realized that had just altered the dress (in store) and found pins still in the side seams. I was so disgusted with their lie when confronted they would not talk to me or acknowledge what they had done. To all you mum’s out there DON’T BUY FROM DOLL HOUSE.


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